Brew Tea like a boss

Did you know all teas come from the same plant? Camellia sinensis, go pop that in your teapot and steep it!
Camelia sinesis is grown in tropical and sub tropical climates with most production coming from China, India and South East Asia, even New Zealand is starting to grow some fabulous Oolongs
Where they’re grown and how they’re processed is where you get varieties and added to that are all the blends on the market.
Here’s some tidbits of info and tips to making your tea taste like success

Water Temperature
This is the most commonly overlooked factor when steeping your tea as most of us tend to think that boiling water should work for all tea’s right?
Boiling is fine for black and herbals but for for lighter teas can actually make them taste more bitter. There are kettles that allow you to set the temp when boiling – put it on your Ebay wishlist! Or use a thermometer to get the right temp for your brew
Life hack #1 Wait 3min after your full kettle boils, this should come down to 70-80 perfect for your green tea, OR throw a splash of cold water over the tea before pouring on freshly boiled.

Quantity & Quality
We suggest 1tsp to one cup (250ml of water)
It’s suggest you use filtered water for tea, we use ‘freshly drawn water’ or oxygen rich water. When water is boiled too much it can deplete the water of oxygen levels which can affect how the tea will release flavour.
We supply and use loose leaf tea and steep in pots. Tea leaves need space for movement to release maximum flavour.
Small single cup strainers (and teabags for that matter) wont get maximum flavour from the leaf, Life hack #2 tea leaves make great mulch for your herb gardens and help hold moisture in the warmer months- you’re welcome

Sample our favourite teas
Tried and tested teas we serve in our Tea Salon